florida hurricane windows, impact windows and doors

Hurricane Damage: Is Your Home Ready?

As homeowners, with Hurricane Season coming in quickly, a very important question comes to our minds: Is my home ready for the storm? Over the last decade, this feared season has led to billions of dollars’ worth of damages, alongside tens of thousands of deaths, as pointed out by hurricane statistics. 

Before your home becomes one of these statistics, ask yourself: Can its windows, doors and roof withstand what’s coming? Read on. 


Some numbers… 

The number of weather and climate disasters in the U.S. in the past three years is 56. And just in 2021 alone, the U.S. experienced 20 separate billion-dollar of these disasters. 

Over the last year, the heat waves have risen. And why do we care about this? Heat energy is the fuel for the storm. And the warmer the water, the more moisture is in the air. Meaning bigger and stronger hurricanes. With the heat Floridians have been experiencing up until May of this present year, we can expect inclement storms ahead of us. 

Of the 310 billion-dollar weather disasters between 1980 and 2021, tropical cyclones (or hurricanes) have caused the most damage. How much damage? Over $1.1 trillion total, with an average cost of $20.5 billion per event. They are also responsible for the highest number of deaths: 6,697 between 1980 and 2021. 

Donna, 54, Floridian homeowner whose home got severely impacted by hurricane Michael back in 2018 shares: 

“If someone would have warned me about changing my windows and doors in time, I would have without a doubt. My house got completely wrecked with water flooding every room. The insurance did respond for most of it but all my furniture and belongings got damaged (…) I had to spend more than 7 months at my in-laws while restoration took place. I regret not being more proactive with upgrades. Could have saved me a lot of money, stress and time”. 

What can you do NOW? 

When it comes to unpredictable and inclement weather, there’s no time like the present to make sure your home is ready. 

If you’re used to using plywood or storm shutters, you may want to rethink that. Not only are they a hassle to get up, but they generate unnecessary stress and anxiety. Why? Because you never know when is the right time to get them up, hence you’re always on the edge. How many times have you found yourself binge-watching the news to decide if you should take action now, before it’s too late? 

The best thing you can do is make sure your property is protected and ready to withstand harsh weather conditions TODAY. No matter when the Hurricane arrives. 

1. Switch to Impact Windows and Doors 

Hurricane Impact Windows and Doors are designed to withstand the strongest of hurricane-force winds, flying debris, and repeated vigorous impact. And what is worth more than your safety? 

2. Upgrade your Roof 

If you roof has some minor damage like a leak or missing tiles, it’s time to change it. Even if you haven’t had any major issues with it up until now, it only takes a 100-mile sustained wind to cause a disaster. In seconds. 

3. Get your renovations done today, but pay later. 

Now, we know that these home upgrades and improvements can be costly. But they will never be as costly as the losses a hurricane disaster can have on your home and on Florida itself. 

Fortunately, you can get these renovations done now without paying right away. How? Federally approved services that provide 100% financing for home improvement projects are becoming much more accessible every day. 

One of these services is PACE Funding. Approval for this type of financing is based on property equity, not on a credit score. When you choose PACE, you can start your home improvement project –such as Impact Windows and Doors or a New Roof– with $0 down, very low monthly payments made through your property taxes and NO payments for up to 17 months. 

Not only will you avoid climate disaster costs, but you will pay less than with any other credit card, your money will stay in your pocket (to use for some other urgent matter!) and you will save thousands on your energy bills and homeowner insurance. 


Bottom line: Don’t wait for the storm! 

If you are thinking of making these upgrades but are waiting for some big news informing a storm is indeed approaching fast, you’re already late. 

Don’t make this mistake. The most caring thing you can do for you and your family is be ready for it. Avoid the last-minute stress and hassle, and possible unfortunate disasters and losses, by making sure your property is protected… on time. 

With nature –and specially the infamous Atlantic Hurricane Season– a little bit of preparation truly goes a long way. And when your loved ones’ safety is on the line, every step matters.